Why my page color is not clean white?

BH lifeform
3 min readSep 19, 2022
From : unplash.com

Here is my story, my eyes got tired easily and it makes me want to make all of the light from my laptop to vanish.

But with no light at all how we can see anything, right? so i try to get some adjustment. i set my computer display to have backlight low. Contrast is also low.

That’s configuration is not solved my problem, besides of that it makes more problem. Cause when you want to edit some picture edit brightness and contrast will change your display calibration, and your result will different from others display. This condition will make worse at another aspect.

So i tried to get some help and found some information from DesainIO.com that explain that some modification of your design make it better.

Point suggestion are

  1. There is no need to clean white background

Cause clean white background will pass a lot light from led source of your display, and to block the light you can change it as black color. However black is not convenience when your environment is not dark color.

it might just my opinion, so i change something between clean white and black. So here we are.. your eyes is not wrong, your display is not have an error also. It is because i change my background color to not clean white, it is like light grey but also not grey. Hey… it is in my display. It also might darker in your display. or might even lighter cause brightness of your display will be different. Your environment also have factor to change your vision.

my setting right now:

Hex Color : E1DADA

RGB Color : 225 218 218

2. Use default or common font

Common font usually easy to read. And ordinary not to make something nice to look. Not based on ART and it just easy to read. nothing more.

The default font of medium is used sans serif. So i just used it, this font is already convenience to read.

3. Do not use small font

Small font make our eyes works hard. Gave 12 size font or make your browser to zoom in the display. Bigger font make font easy to read, your eyes is not works hard. So it makes your article be read by your audience, so based in this i set font by default of medium setting 12.

4. Used short paragraph

Cause of the used of mobile device, so a lot audience used mobile device to read the article. Because of that you will have small display so it might better to used short paragraph so the user still can follow where the last time they read, and it will be easy to read.

How ever with bigger display it will like some conversation. but it will still can read easily so it will not make other problems.


It is just my little experiment and it might works like a charm, based on article at desainio.com i try to make changes the background color, font and size font to make our eyes works lighter. And it might works cause you read until this conclusion

Hope this article make something better. Simple change design make a lot different

